Batman :Killing Joke

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Written by Alan Moore and with Artwork by Brian Bolland, the Killing Joke is regarded as one of the best Batman graphic novels of all time, this story features the Joker taking Batman and the people close to him to the brink of their sanity, while giving an intimate look at the Joker's past and his own psychosis.

Plot Synopsis

by blindSpace

The story starts with Batman reaching Arkham Asylum where Commissioner Gordon is waiting for him, and leads Batman to Joker's cell. We see the Joker playing with some cards. Batman tries to reason with him, and tells him that they both are on a collision course, and that sooner or later, their animosity will lead to either (or both) of them dying. Batman discovers that the Joker in the cell is just a decoy, and the real Joker has escaped. Joker is shown talking to a person regarding buying a dilapidated amusement park. He of course, kills the person and sets up base in the park. In a flashback, a glimpse of Joker's past is shown when he was a failed stand-up comedian named Jack, and was struggling to make ends meet and support his pregnant wife. In further flashbacks, interspersed throughout the story, we get to see how the Joker becomes the psychopath he is. Even before becoming a failed comedian, he used to be a lab assistant at a chemical factory in Gotham. Now, down on his luck, he talked to some criminals (from a gang called the 'red hood gang' - notorious for a string of robberies in Gotham) who ask him to assist him in a robbery at the factory. They give him a red colored mask to wear so that nobody can identify him. Just then at the bar, a policeman informs him that his pregnant wife died in a freak accident. Emotionally devastated, he tells his accomplices that there is no point continuing with the robbery, as the reason he wanted the money is now no more. His accomplices say that now there is no turning back, and that with the money, he could give his wife a good funeral, at least. When they reach the factory to do the robbery, they are surprised to find out that the security is not as lax as it was previously. The other criminals implicate Jack as the main ringleader as he was wearing the red hood. Batman arrives on the scene, and chases after Jack. Absolutely frightened by the sight of Batman, he jumps into a vat of chemicals in the factory to escape him. The chemicals burn him and change his skin into a permanent white, his hair green and his lips a bright red. He starts to laugh at what has happened to him, and finally tranforms into the Joker. In the present day, we see Batman wondering what the Joker could be up to, and expressing exasperation on how completely unpredictable he is and how after all these years he still doesn't know him. He wonders how two people who don't know each other can hate each other so much. Next we see the Joker arriving at Gordon's residence, where Barbara Gordon and Jim Gordon are nice father-daughter moment. The Joker catches Barbara by surprise and shoots her, paralysing her in the process. Joker's thugs beat up Jim Gordon, and take him away. The Joker begins to strip Barbara and clicks some obscene photographs of her. Joker then leaves and Barbara is hospitalized, and Batman arrives to ask of her and Jim. Barbara is extremely traumatised by what the Joker has done, and of what he plans to do to her father. We see Jim Gordon at Joker's amusement park. Joker's minions strip him naked and chain him up and drag him across the park to Joker. The Joker tells him that Gordon is going mad. The Joker tells him that sanity is not the only option. In order to lock away the pain of a traumatic memory, madness is the only relief. Then he shows Jim the obscene pictures that he clicked of his daughter, pushing Jim to brink of horror. The Joker once again asks him to give in to madness, and goes into a diatribe of how frail human sanity is, and how it snaps the moment any weight (that is, any trauma) is put on to it. .