Batman :End Game

7.4 /10

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The Joker incapacitates and brainwashes the justice league with his Joker toxin, and is now coming to destroy Gotham and everything Batman vowed to defend, including Batman himself.

Plot Synopsis

by blindSpace

The story starts with Batman recovering from a battle involving Scarecrow and in a new base seized from the Court of Owls. He's suddenly attacked by the rest of the founding members of the justice league. Bruce immediately enacts plan "fenrir" in action, which involves a large mech-suit (some fans are calling it the Justice-Buster Suit) to counter the justice league members. He manages to subdue Wonder Woman by invoking a relic called the Bind of Viels which tricks her into believing she's killed him and putting her in a motionless state. Batman studies Flash's movements and puts a special frictionless liquid on the road which leads to Flash crashing, and manages to coat Aquaman with a special foam-type gel which sucks all the moisture from him the more he tries to move.